Hei, hei jaunieši !

Aicinājums sasparoties uz Pasaules dienu par Cienīgu darbu, ko atzīmē katru gadu 7. oktobrī.

Šī gada tēma – Cienīgu darbu jauniešiem !

– Ko tas nozīmē Jums? Kā vajadzētu?
 Zemāk  globālo arodbiedrību jauniešu komitejas PERC prezidentes aicinājums.

Dear colleagues and friends,
World Day for Decent Work is coming closer and millions of people all over the world are taking part.
This is the Last Month for the 5th World Day for Decent Work (WDDW), when trade unionists and labour rights organizations across the world will mobilize again in favour of Decent Work. Last year there were 706 actions in 97 countries on WDDW and expectations for this year are just as high. While actions in different countries will cover a very important issue that is YOUTH EMPLOYMENT.
Global economic crisis still hitting working people hard in every part of the world, trade unions around the world will once again organise mobilisations, events and activities on October 7 to demand decent jobs and full respect for workers’ rights.
The crisis, and the inability or unwillingness of governments to restore jobs and growth, is having a particularly brutal impact on young people. Official figures show that 75 million young people are without jobs across the world, many millions more are trapped in informal or precarious work, and tens of millions of new job seekers have no prospect of finding work, or education and training to equip them for work in the future. Youth unemployment is as high as 60% in some countries, and a whole generation of young people faces exclusion from the labour market. This is a social and economic time-bomb.
No action is too big or too small for the World Day for Decent Work: whether be it a round table discussion, a huge demonstration, a protest letter, a flash mob action or something completely different. It is extremely important that trade union youth takes active stand and contributes to the success of mobilisation.
It is the day for us, for our peers, for youngsters who are losing most from the crisis wrong policies the governments are implementing to face it. Austerity means less or no perspectives for young people of Europe. We have to cry that loudly and the WDDW is the wonderful opportunity to get us heard.
More information about the WDDW 2012, all campaign materials (new logo, posters etc.) and list with the events which were already planed and posted, you can find on the special 2012 WDDW` web site (http://2012.wddw.org/).
Dear friends,
Especially, We expect  to full and active participation in the World Day for Decent Work for this year, and to receiving the information about your activities via the website, before, during and immediately after they take place.
If you are organizing or know about some actions at national, sectoral/branch or regional level related to the WDDW on or around 7th October, please go to and submit/sign up these events on the web site (http://2012.wddw.org/).
For more information and enquiries concerning WDDW, please contact Ms. Kristin Blom (ITUC Campaign Officer): kristin.blom@ituc-csi.org or wddw@ituc-csi.org
Let`s show our youth unity and power on this crucial day! Join the movement and sign up your actions! Together we can make a change!
Good luck with your actions! & Don`t forget to make photos and videos!!!

Best regards,
PERC Youth Committee President

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